Cellulite and Weight loss: the real story
Teresa's Story (name changed)
Teresa was getting ready for her upcoming wedding and was working hard on losing weight to get the look she wanted not only in her wedding dress but also on the beach! She was having a beach wedding and would her insecurity was not only about getting in the dress but also wearing a bathing suit on her honeymoon.
She was doing so good at her weightloss and working out 5 days a week with her trainer. But to her horror the more weight she lost the worse her cellulite looked on her upper outer thighs.
Her trainer referred her to Radiante Spa to get help with her problem. At her consultation she met DeeDee and Tammy who made her feel at home and comfortable about her problem.
She found out that many people experience severe sagging of skin with weightloss especially after age 45 when collagen stores start to greatly decrease and especially after rapid weightloss.
She didnt want to slow her progess and found out that with Sentient Sculp Body Sculping she would not only get skin tightening but also the added benefit of long lasting cellulite correction because the treatment breaks down the structure of the cellulite bands that cause the dimple in cellulite.
The Science Behind Sentient Sculpt for Cellulite
Sentient Sculpt uses targeted microwave energy to address cellulite at its source beneath the skin. It is the first device of its kind to use 2.45 GHz Precision-GigaWave™ technology for body sculpting, which works “from the inside out” without freezing or burning the skin . This specialized frequency delivers about 80% of its energy deep into the subcutaneous fat layer (and the remaining 20% to the skin’s surface) . The tissue is gently heated to approximately 55–60 °C, a temperature that causes fat cells to break down and stimulates new collagen production in the skin . In doing so, Sentient Sculpt directly targets the root causes of cellulite in a multi-faceted way:
• Breaks fibrous bands: It dissolves the fibrous Type I collagen bands that tether the skin to underlying tissues and create the characteristic “dimpled” effect of cellulite .
• Reduces fat pockets: It destroys the surrounding fat cells that exaggerate the bulging and dimpling in cellulite-prone areas .
• Tightens the skin: It tightens the overlying skin by kick-starting collagen production, which helps smooth out the appearance of any remaining unevenness .
By simultaneously breaking down the rigid bands, reducing fat, and firming the skin, Sentient Sculpt visibly smooths cellulite. The broken-down fat cells and tissue are gradually processed and flushed out by the body’s metabolism , while the new collagen makes the skin surface firmer and more elastic over time . This comprehensive approach is what allows Sentient Sculpt to significantly improve the look of cellulite where other methods often fall short.
The Rest of Teresa's Story
Four months after starting her treatments for Cellulite at Radiante Spa, Teresa's big day was coming. She had lost 25 more pounds and to her delight her cellulite was finally looking better and the skin tighening effect from her Sentient Sculpt Body Sculpting sessions gave her the confidence she was looking for and of course her beach wedding was a success. She was very happy with her results and was so proud of the hard work she had put in for her body transformation.